Blog Post 4

LDA Topic Modelling
LDA Topic Modelling

Mekhala Kumar


December 7, 2022


Initial steps

First a few more common words were removed from the document feature matrix so that the analysis is not cluttered by those words.

articles_dfm<-readRDS(file = "Data/News_DFM.rds")
Document-feature matrix of: 1,157 documents, 22,370 features (99.21% sparse) and 3 docvars.
docs    solitary two-day fixture great britain france 1900 olympics prospects
  text1        1       1       1     1       1      1    1        9         3
  text2        0       0       0     0       0      0    0        2         0
  text3        0       0       0     2       2      0    0        3         0
  text4        0       0       0     0       0      0    0       10         0
  text5        0       0       0     0       0      0    0        3         0
  text6        0       0       0     2       1      0    0        2         0
docs    cricket's
  text1         2
  text2         0
  text3         0
  text4         0
  text5         0
  text6         0
[ reached max_ndoc ... 1,151 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 22,360 more features ]
#textplot_wordcloud(articles_dfm, min_count = 50, random_order = FALSE)
articles_dfm <- dfm_remove(articles_dfm, c("said","also","says","can","just"), verbose = TRUE)
removed 5 features
#textplot_wordcloud(articles_dfm, min_count = 50, random_order = FALSE)

Semantic Network

For the semantic network, I limited the document feature matrix to terms that appeared a least 15 times and in 25% of the documents. This consisted of 48 terms which I plotted.
Unsurprisingly, this shows that most of the articles discuss India in the Olympics (as Indian newspaper articles were used). One major theme that can be observed is the discussion of the hockey team, the men’s team had placed third in over four decades hence marking history and was led by the captain Manpreet Singh. Other significant terms include medals and medal colours perhaps pertaining to victories by other Indian athletes; which may be more clearly observed through a topic model.

dfm_refined <- dfm_trim(articles_dfm, min_termfreq = 15)
dfm_refined <- dfm_trim(dfm_refined, min_docfreq = .25, docfreq_type = "prop")

fcm<- fcm(dfm_refined)
[1] 48 48
top_features <- names(topfeatures(fcm, 48))
fcm_refined <- fcm_select(fcm, pattern = top_features, selection = "keep")
[1] 48 48
size <- log(colSums(fcm_refined))
textplot_network(fcm_refined, vertex_size = size / max(size) * 3)

Topic Modelling

I used the topicmodels package to run a Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model.

##Preparatory steps

To run the model, the data had to be in the form of a document term matrix. First the document feature matrix was converted into a one-token-per-document-per-row table and then this table was converted into a document term matrix.

# A tibble: 201,774 × 3
   document term     count
   <chr>    <chr>    <dbl>
 1 text1    solitary     1
 2 text214  solitary     1
 3 text245  solitary     1
 4 text629  solitary     1
 5 text639  solitary     1
 6 text797  solitary     1
 7 text1099 solitary     1
 8 text1    two-day      1
 9 text311  two-day      1
10 text368  two-day      1
# … with 201,764 more rows
news_dtm <- articles_tidy %>%
  cast_dtm(document, term, count)
<<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 1157, terms: 22365)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 201774/25674531
Sparsity           : 99%
Maximal term length: 84
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

Word topic probabilities

3 topics

There was not much valuable information being provided by keeping only three topics.
The first topic seemed to be about Neeraj Chopra winning the gold medal in javelin throw and PV Sindhu winning the bronze medal in badminton and the second topic seemed to focus on hockey. The third topic just had common terms pertaining to Olympics.
Hence, I ran a search_k function in order to find the optimal number of topics to use to derive a meaningful analysis.

news_lda <- LDA(news_dtm, k = 3, control = list(seed = 2345))
A LDA_VEM topic model with 3 topics.
#extracting per-topic-per-word probabilities
news_topics <- tidy(news_lda, matrix = "beta")
# A tibble: 67,095 × 3
   topic term         beta
   <int> <chr>       <dbl>
 1     1 solitary 5.64e- 5
 2     2 solitary 1.41e-10
 3     3 solitary 1.26e- 5
 4     1 two-day  5.31e- 5
 5     2 two-day  1.65e- 5
 6     3 two-day  8.99e- 6
 7     1 fixture  4.24e- 5
 8     2 fixture  1.49e-32
 9     3 fixture  3.13e- 5
10     1 great    2.53e- 3
# … with 67,085 more rows
#Finding the top 10 terms
news_top_10 <- news_topics %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 10) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

  mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +

Choosing K

Based on the semantic coherence, I selected K as 25.

Warning: package 'stm' was built under R version 4.2.2
stm v1.3.6 successfully loaded. See ?stm for help. 
 Papers, resources, and other materials at
differentKs <- searchK(articles_dfm,
                       K = c(5,10,15,25,50),
                       N = 250,
                       data = articles_tidy,
                       max.em.its = 1000,
                       init.type = "Spectral")
Beginning Spectral Initialization 
     Calculating the gram matrix...
     Using only 10000 most frequent terms during initialization...
     Finding anchor words...
     Recovering initialization...
Initialization complete.
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 1 (approx. per word bound = -8.338) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 2 (approx. per word bound = -7.790, relative change = 6.575e-02) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 3 (approx. per word bound = -7.759, relative change = 3.957e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 4 (approx. per word bound = -7.750, relative change = 1.257e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 5 (approx. per word bound = -7.744, relative change = 7.401e-04) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, indian, world, tokyo 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, tokyo 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, olympics, chanu, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 6 (approx. per word bound = -7.740, relative change = 5.413e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 7 (approx. per word bound = -7.737, relative change = 3.930e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 8 (approx. per word bound = -7.734, relative change = 2.862e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 9 (approx. per word bound = -7.733, relative change = 2.209e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 10 (approx. per word bound = -7.731, relative change = 1.870e-04) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, indian, tokyo, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 11 (approx. per word bound = -7.730, relative change = 1.406e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 12 (approx. per word bound = -7.729, relative change = 1.202e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 13 (approx. per word bound = -7.728, relative change = 1.120e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 14 (approx. per word bound = -7.728, relative change = 7.063e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 15 (approx. per word bound = -7.727, relative change = 4.934e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, indian, tokyo, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 16 (approx. per word bound = -7.727, relative change = 4.545e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 17 (approx. per word bound = -7.727, relative change = 4.595e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 18 (approx. per word bound = -7.726, relative change = 4.304e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 19 (approx. per word bound = -7.726, relative change = 4.106e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 20 (approx. per word bound = -7.726, relative change = 4.423e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 21 (approx. per word bound = -7.725, relative change = 4.486e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 22 (approx. per word bound = -7.725, relative change = 4.258e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 23 (approx. per word bound = -7.725, relative change = 4.307e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 24 (approx. per word bound = -7.724, relative change = 3.977e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 25 (approx. per word bound = -7.724, relative change = 3.324e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 26 (approx. per word bound = -7.724, relative change = 3.146e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 27 (approx. per word bound = -7.724, relative change = 3.349e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 28 (approx. per word bound = -7.723, relative change = 3.817e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 29 (approx. per word bound = -7.723, relative change = 3.456e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 30 (approx. per word bound = -7.723, relative change = 3.205e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 31 (approx. per word bound = -7.723, relative change = 3.708e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 32 (approx. per word bound = -7.722, relative change = 3.772e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 33 (approx. per word bound = -7.722, relative change = 3.910e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 34 (approx. per word bound = -7.722, relative change = 3.060e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 35 (approx. per word bound = -7.721, relative change = 2.500e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 36 (approx. per word bound = -7.721, relative change = 2.825e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 37 (approx. per word bound = -7.721, relative change = 3.419e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 38 (approx. per word bound = -7.721, relative change = 3.963e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 39 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 3.324e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 40 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 2.156e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 41 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 1.660e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 42 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 1.859e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 43 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 2.148e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 44 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 1.677e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 45 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 1.163e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, world 
 Topic 2: medal, olympics, gold, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 46 (approx. per word bound = -7.720, relative change = 1.230e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 47 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 2.203e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 48 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 2.479e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 49 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.419e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 50 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.255e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, indian, medal 
 Topic 2: medal, gold, olympics, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 51 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.548e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 52 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.536e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 53 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.164e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 54 (approx. per word bound = -7.719, relative change = 1.121e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 55 (approx. per word bound = -7.718, relative change = 1.368e-05) 
Topic 1: olympics, sindhu, tokyo, medal, indian 
 Topic 2: medal, gold, olympics, world, games 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, tokyo, olympics, mirabai 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 56 (approx. per word bound = -7.718, relative change = 1.180e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Model Converged 
Beginning Spectral Initialization 
     Calculating the gram matrix...
     Using only 10000 most frequent terms during initialization...
     Finding anchor words...
     Recovering initialization...
Initialization complete.
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 1 (approx. per word bound = -8.268) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 2 (approx. per word bound = -7.580, relative change = 8.326e-02) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 3 (approx. per word bound = -7.539, relative change = 5.420e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 4 (approx. per word bound = -7.524, relative change = 1.998e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 5 (approx. per word bound = -7.516, relative change = 9.695e-04) 
Topic 1: olympics, lovlina, world, indian, games 
 Topic 2: medal, gold, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, tokyo, silver 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, chopra, olympics, dahiya 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, indian, medal 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, olympic 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, olympics, sports 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, video, shared, malik 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 6 (approx. per word bound = -7.512, relative change = 6.566e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 7 (approx. per word bound = -7.508, relative change = 4.822e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 8 (approx. per word bound = -7.505, relative change = 3.534e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 9 (approx. per word bound = -7.503, relative change = 2.793e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 10 (approx. per word bound = -7.501, relative change = 2.444e-04) 
Topic 1: olympics, lovlina, medal, world, indian 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, tokyo, silver 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, olympics, chopra, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, indian, medal 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, shared, video, wrote 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 11 (approx. per word bound = -7.500, relative change = 2.157e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 12 (approx. per word bound = -7.498, relative change = 1.791e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 13 (approx. per word bound = -7.497, relative change = 1.703e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 14 (approx. per word bound = -7.496, relative change = 1.790e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 15 (approx. per word bound = -7.494, relative change = 1.757e-04) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, olympics, chopra, bronze 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, shared, tokyo, video 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 16 (approx. per word bound = -7.493, relative change = 1.485e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 17 (approx. per word bound = -7.492, relative change = 1.132e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 18 (approx. per word bound = -7.492, relative change = 8.266e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 19 (approx. per word bound = -7.491, relative change = 7.116e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 20 (approx. per word bound = -7.491, relative change = 7.418e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, bronze 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, shared, tokyo, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 21 (approx. per word bound = -7.490, relative change = 8.236e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 22 (approx. per word bound = -7.490, relative change = 6.939e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 23 (approx. per word bound = -7.489, relative change = 6.679e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 24 (approx. per word bound = -7.489, relative change = 6.096e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 25 (approx. per word bound = -7.488, relative change = 5.034e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, bronze, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, shared, tokyo, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 26 (approx. per word bound = -7.488, relative change = 5.724e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 27 (approx. per word bound = -7.487, relative change = 6.523e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 28 (approx. per word bound = -7.487, relative change = 7.261e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 29 (approx. per word bound = -7.486, relative change = 7.040e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 30 (approx. per word bound = -7.486, relative change = 6.800e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, bronze, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, players, indian 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, shared, tokyo, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 31 (approx. per word bound = -7.485, relative change = 7.399e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 32 (approx. per word bound = -7.485, relative change = 8.018e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 33 (approx. per word bound = -7.484, relative change = 7.823e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 34 (approx. per word bound = -7.484, relative change = 6.434e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 35 (approx. per word bound = -7.483, relative change = 5.545e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, bronze 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, players, indian 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, twitter, shared, tokyo 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 36 (approx. per word bound = -7.483, relative change = 5.526e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 37 (approx. per word bound = -7.482, relative change = 5.190e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 38 (approx. per word bound = -7.482, relative change = 5.189e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 39 (approx. per word bound = -7.482, relative change = 5.838e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 40 (approx. per word bound = -7.481, relative change = 6.633e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, twitter, shared, tokyo 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 41 (approx. per word bound = -7.481, relative change = 5.701e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 42 (approx. per word bound = -7.480, relative change = 3.742e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 43 (approx. per word bound = -7.480, relative change = 3.092e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 44 (approx. per word bound = -7.480, relative change = 2.567e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 45 (approx. per word bound = -7.480, relative change = 2.398e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, tokyo 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, twitter, medal, indian 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 46 (approx. per word bound = -7.480, relative change = 2.530e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 47 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 2.518e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 48 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 2.514e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 49 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 2.512e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 50 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 2.208e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, medal, twitter, indian 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 51 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 1.825e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 52 (approx. per word bound = -7.479, relative change = 1.860e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 53 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 1.786e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 54 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 1.935e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 55 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 1.969e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, indian, match 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, medal, indian, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 56 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 1.916e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 57 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 1.952e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 58 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 2.031e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 59 (approx. per word bound = -7.478, relative change = 2.081e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 60 (approx. per word bound = -7.477, relative change = 2.464e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, match, indian 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, medal, indian, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 61 (approx. per word bound = -7.477, relative change = 3.077e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 62 (approx. per word bound = -7.477, relative change = 2.965e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 63 (approx. per word bound = -7.477, relative change = 2.687e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 64 (approx. per word bound = -7.477, relative change = 2.141e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 65 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.447e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, indian, medal, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 66 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.182e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 67 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.188e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 68 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.375e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 69 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.617e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 70 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 1.751e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, rs 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, indian, medal, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 71 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 2.027e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 72 (approx. per word bound = -7.476, relative change = 2.555e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 73 (approx. per word bound = -7.475, relative change = 3.194e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 74 (approx. per word bound = -7.475, relative change = 3.366e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 75 (approx. per word bound = -7.475, relative change = 2.833e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, rs 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, indian, medal, twitter 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 76 (approx. per word bound = -7.475, relative change = 2.833e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 77 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 2.534e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 78 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 2.357e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 79 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 2.439e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 80 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 2.158e-05) 
Topic 1: medal, lovlina, olympics, world, bronze 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, tokyo, rs 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: olympics, athletes, women, world, biles 
 Topic 7: world, round, olympics, men's, team 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, sports, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, tokyo 
 Topic 10: olympics, wrote, indian, medal, india 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 81 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 1.807e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 82 (approx. per word bound = -7.474, relative change = 1.307e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Model Converged 
Beginning Spectral Initialization 
     Calculating the gram matrix...
     Using only 10000 most frequent terms during initialization...
     Finding anchor words...
     Recovering initialization...
Initialization complete.
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 1 (approx. per word bound = -8.217) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 2 (approx. per word bound = -7.428, relative change = 9.595e-02) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 3 (approx. per word bound = -7.384, relative change = 6.005e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 4 (approx. per word bound = -7.369, relative change = 1.968e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 5 (approx. per word bound = -7.364, relative change = 7.842e-04) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, chopra, olympics, neeraj 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, indian, medal 
 Topic 6: sports, olympics, hockey, women, team 
 Topic 7: men's, team, world, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, olympics 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, video, match, us 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: olympics, biles, one, olympic, like 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, olympics, world, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, games, olympics, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, bronze, games 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 6 (approx. per word bound = -7.361, relative change = 3.885e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 7 (approx. per word bound = -7.359, relative change = 2.563e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 8 (approx. per word bound = -7.357, relative change = 1.920e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 9 (approx. per word bound = -7.356, relative change = 1.653e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 10 (approx. per word bound = -7.355, relative change = 1.324e-04) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: medal, chanu, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, olympics, chopra, neeraj 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, indian, match 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, team, world, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, olympics 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, video, match, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: olympics, biles, one, house, olympic 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, olympics, world, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, games, olympics, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, bronze, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 11 (approx. per word bound = -7.354, relative change = 1.245e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 12 (approx. per word bound = -7.353, relative change = 1.083e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 13 (approx. per word bound = -7.353, relative change = 9.888e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 14 (approx. per word bound = -7.352, relative change = 9.632e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 15 (approx. per word bound = -7.351, relative change = 8.668e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, indian 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, indian 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, video, match, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, olympics, biles, opposition, one 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, games, olympics, olympic 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, medals, games 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 16 (approx. per word bound = -7.351, relative change = 8.250e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 17 (approx. per word bound = -7.350, relative change = 7.569e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 18 (approx. per word bound = -7.350, relative change = 6.628e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 19 (approx. per word bound = -7.349, relative change = 6.085e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 20 (approx. per word bound = -7.349, relative change = 6.122e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, chopra, indian 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, tokyo, video, match, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, olympics, biles, one 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, games, olympics, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 21 (approx. per word bound = -7.348, relative change = 6.345e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 22 (approx. per word bound = -7.348, relative change = 6.726e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 23 (approx. per word bound = -7.347, relative change = 6.480e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 24 (approx. per word bound = -7.347, relative change = 4.608e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 25 (approx. per word bound = -7.347, relative change = 3.420e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, chopra 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, shared, match 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, biles, olympics, one 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 26 (approx. per word bound = -7.347, relative change = 2.739e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 27 (approx. per word bound = -7.346, relative change = 2.568e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 28 (approx. per word bound = -7.346, relative change = 2.951e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 29 (approx. per word bound = -7.346, relative change = 2.922e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 30 (approx. per word bound = -7.346, relative change = 3.314e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, shared, match 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, biles, olympics, one 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 31 (approx. per word bound = -7.346, relative change = 2.904e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 32 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 2.415e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 33 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 1.887e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 34 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 1.851e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 35 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 1.889e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, shared, match 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, biles, olympics, one 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 36 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 2.256e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 37 (approx. per word bound = -7.345, relative change = 2.639e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 38 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 2.164e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 39 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 2.014e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 40 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.849e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, olympics, indian, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, olympics, one, biles 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, medals 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 41 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.637e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 42 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.549e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 43 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.558e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 44 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.600e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 45 (approx. per word bound = -7.344, relative change = 1.642e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, indian, olympics, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, olympics, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, one, olympics, biles 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, gold 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 46 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 1.535e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 47 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 1.659e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 48 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 1.896e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 49 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 2.162e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 50 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 2.326e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, indian, olympics, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, one, olympics, biles 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, games, gold 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 51 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 2.383e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 52 (approx. per word bound = -7.343, relative change = 2.194e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 53 (approx. per word bound = -7.342, relative change = 2.252e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 54 (approx. per word bound = -7.342, relative change = 4.207e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 55 (approx. per word bound = -7.342, relative change = 5.729e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, indian, olympics, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, team, round, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, one, olympics, biles 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, gold, games 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 56 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 3.187e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 57 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 2.440e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 58 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 2.196e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 59 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 1.616e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 60 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 1.466e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, indian, olympics, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, women, olympics, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, round, team, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, olympics, pv, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, one, olympics, biles 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, gold, games 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 61 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 1.490e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 62 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 1.499e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 63 (approx. per word bound = -7.341, relative change = 1.607e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 64 (approx. per word bound = -7.340, relative change = 2.088e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 65 (approx. per word bound = -7.340, relative change = 2.406e-05) 
Topic 1: athletes, indian, olympics, tokyo, games 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, throw 
 Topic 3: chanu, medal, mirabai, silver, olympics 
 Topic 4: medal, olympics, gold, indian, win 
 Topic 5: india, hockey, team, match, indian 
 Topic 6: sports, hockey, olympics, women, team 
 Topic 7: men's, world, round, team, olympics 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, tokyo, malik, shared 
 Topic 11: medal, world, lovlina, olympic, bronze 
 Topic 12: house, opposition, one, olympics, minister 
 Topic 13: athletes, olympic, world, olympics, like 
 Topic 14: athletes, tokyo, olympics, games, world 
 Topic 15: medal, olympics, tokyo, gold, games 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 66 (approx. per word bound = -7.340, relative change = 2.052e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 67 (approx. per word bound = -7.340, relative change = 1.847e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 68 (approx. per word bound = -7.340, relative change = 1.242e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Model Converged 
Beginning Spectral Initialization 
     Calculating the gram matrix...
     Using only 10000 most frequent terms during initialization...
     Finding anchor words...
     Recovering initialization...
Initialization complete.
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 1 (approx. per word bound = -8.112) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 2 (approx. per word bound = -7.251, relative change = 1.061e-01) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 3 (approx. per word bound = -7.177, relative change = 1.025e-02) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 4 (approx. per word bound = -7.157, relative change = 2.763e-03) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 5 (approx. per word bound = -7.149, relative change = 1.148e-03) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, game, sharath, round 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: mirabai, medal, chanu, india, tokyo 
 Topic 4: gold, neeraj, medal, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, match 
 Topic 6: women, hockey, olympics, men, team 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, women's, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, pv, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, match 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, sharma, hai, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, first 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, medal, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, hockey, like 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: medal, dahiya, world, bronze, gold 
 Topic 19: india, team, penalty, indian, goal 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, medal, olympics, minister 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, aditi, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, chopra, announced 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 6 (approx. per word bound = -7.144, relative change = 6.985e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 7 (approx. per word bound = -7.140, relative change = 5.381e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 8 (approx. per word bound = -7.137, relative change = 4.401e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 9 (approx. per word bound = -7.134, relative change = 3.378e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 10 (approx. per word bound = -7.133, relative change = 2.472e-04) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, game, singles, sharath 
 Topic 2: throw, gold, neeraj, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, india 
 Topic 4: gold, medal, neeraj, chopra, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, hockey, olympics, men, team 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, one, like, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, sharma, hai, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, hockey, like 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: medal, dahiya, world, wrestling, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, team, penalty, goal, indian 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, medal, minister, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, aditi, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 11 (approx. per word bound = -7.131, relative change = 1.938e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 12 (approx. per word bound = -7.130, relative change = 1.566e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 13 (approx. per word bound = -7.129, relative change = 1.477e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 14 (approx. per word bound = -7.128, relative change = 1.607e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 15 (approx. per word bound = -7.126, relative change = 1.910e-04) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, singles, round, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, india 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, neeraj, chopra, win 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, hockey, olympics, men, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, one, like, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, sharma, hai, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, hockey, city 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: medal, dahiya, wrestling, wrestler, world 
 Topic 19: india, team, penalty, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, medal, minister, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 16 (approx. per word bound = -7.125, relative change = 1.348e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 17 (approx. per word bound = -7.125, relative change = 1.112e-04) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 18 (approx. per word bound = -7.124, relative change = 9.660e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 19 (approx. per word bound = -7.123, relative change = 9.258e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 20 (approx. per word bound = -7.123, relative change = 8.048e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, singles, tennis, round 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, neeraj, chopra, win 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, hockey, men, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, one, like, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, world 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, medal, minister, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 21 (approx. per word bound = -7.122, relative change = 8.070e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 22 (approx. per word bound = -7.122, relative change = 7.150e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 23 (approx. per word bound = -7.121, relative change = 5.665e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 24 (approx. per word bound = -7.121, relative change = 5.717e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 25 (approx. per word bound = -7.120, relative change = 6.579e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, tennis, singles, round 
 Topic 2: neeraj, throw, gold, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, neeraj, win, chopra 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, hockey, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, one, like, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, world 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 26 (approx. per word bound = -7.120, relative change = 4.868e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 27 (approx. per word bound = -7.120, relative change = 3.636e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 28 (approx. per word bound = -7.120, relative change = 3.478e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 29 (approx. per word bound = -7.119, relative change = 3.884e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 30 (approx. per word bound = -7.119, relative change = 5.479e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, indian, tennis, singles, round 
 Topic 2: neeraj, gold, throw, chopra, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, neeraj, win, proud 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, hockey 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, world 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 31 (approx. per word bound = -7.119, relative change = 5.450e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 32 (approx. per word bound = -7.118, relative change = 5.022e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 33 (approx. per word bound = -7.118, relative change = 7.161e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 34 (approx. per word bound = -7.117, relative change = 8.876e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 35 (approx. per word bound = -7.117, relative change = 6.408e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, chopra, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, win, neeraj, proud 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, world 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, athletes, olympics, training 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 36 (approx. per word bound = -7.116, relative change = 4.736e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 37 (approx. per word bound = -7.116, relative change = 4.101e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 38 (approx. per word bound = -7.116, relative change = 5.744e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 39 (approx. per word bound = -7.115, relative change = 4.713e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 40 (approx. per word bound = -7.115, relative change = 3.472e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, chopra, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, win, neeraj, proud 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 41 (approx. per word bound = -7.115, relative change = 4.368e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 42 (approx. per word bound = -7.114, relative change = 6.191e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 43 (approx. per word bound = -7.114, relative change = 5.828e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 44 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 3.983e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 45 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 2.958e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, neeraj, chopra, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, win, proud, neeraj 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, world 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 46 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 2.555e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 47 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 2.385e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 48 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 1.709e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 49 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 1.822e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 50 (approx. per word bound = -7.113, relative change = 1.382e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, gold, win, proud, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympics 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, lakh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 51 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.283e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 52 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.342e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 53 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.461e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 54 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.436e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 55 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.572e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, win, gold, proud, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympic 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, announced, cash, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 56 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.645e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 57 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.607e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 58 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.343e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 59 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.392e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 60 (approx. per word bound = -7.112, relative change = 1.435e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, win, proud, gold, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympic 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestling, wrestler, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, announced, cash, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 61 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.311e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 62 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.074e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 63 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.020e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 64 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.062e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 65 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.041e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, win, proud, gold, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympic 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestler, wrestling, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 66 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.040e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 67 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.280e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 68 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.405e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 69 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.625e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 70 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.805e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, win, proud, gold, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympic 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestler, wrestling, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 71 (approx. per word bound = -7.111, relative change = 1.685e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 72 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.233e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 73 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.196e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 74 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.500e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 75 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.853e-05) 
Topic 1: tennis, indian, manika, singles, round 
 Topic 2: gold, chopra, neeraj, throw, medal 
 Topic 3: chanu, mirabai, medal, silver, tokyo 
 Topic 4: medal, win, proud, gold, congratulations 
 Topic 5: hockey, team, india, medal, olympics 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, men, first, india 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, women's, world 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, indian, players, women's 
 Topic 9: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, badminton 
 Topic 10: olympics, video, shared, tokyo, post 
 Topic 11: lovlina, medal, borgohain, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: biles, olympics, like, one, people 
 Topic 13: olympic, hai, sharma, back, years 
 Topic 14: tokyo, games, world, osaka, olympic 
 Topic 15: olympics, athletes, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, world, one, city, hockey 
 Topic 17: chand, dhyan, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: dahiya, medal, wrestler, wrestling, bajrang 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, team, medal, olympics 
 Topic 21: chanu, mirabai, minister, medal, sports 
 Topic 22: sports, games, olympics, athletes, world 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: aditi, gold, medal, olympics, ashok 
 Topic 25: rs, crore, cash, announced, olympics 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 76 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.743e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 77 (approx. per word bound = -7.110, relative change = 1.064e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Model Converged 
Beginning Spectral Initialization 
     Calculating the gram matrix...
     Using only 10000 most frequent terms during initialization...
     Finding anchor words...
     Recovering initialization...
Initialization complete.
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 1 (approx. per word bound = -7.942) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 2 (approx. per word bound = -6.981, relative change = 1.210e-01) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 3 (approx. per word bound = -6.864, relative change = 1.684e-02) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 4 (approx. per word bound = -6.835, relative change = 4.225e-03) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 5 (approx. per word bound = -6.822, relative change = 1.812e-03) 
Topic 1: manika, round, women's, singles, batra 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, javelin, gold, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, one, chanu, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, chopra, gold, medal, win 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, indian, india 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, india, women's 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, stories, samantha, like, watch 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, kim 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, world, hockey, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: medal, bajrang, bronze, wrestler, malik 
 Topic 19: india, team, penalty, first, indian 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, india, medal, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, chief, chanu, house 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, olympics, neeraj, sports 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, final 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, chopra, announced 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, win 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, body, takes, physical 
 Topic 28: world, match, like, time, first 
 Topic 29: women's, men's, team, ist, air 
 Topic 30: medal, proud, india, congratulations, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, olympic, athletes, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, hockey, medal 
 Topic 34: biles, film, proud, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, tokyo, world, olympics, team 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, world, medal, gold 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, wrestler, olympic 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, medal, singh, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, yamaguchi 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, coach, family, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympics, olympic 
 Topic 46: india, indian, chanu, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, media 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, two 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 6 (approx. per word bound = -6.816, relative change = 8.724e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 7 (approx. per word bound = -6.813, relative change = 5.062e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 8 (approx. per word bound = -6.811, relative change = 3.038e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 9 (approx. per word bound = -6.809, relative change = 2.077e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 10 (approx. per word bound = -6.808, relative change = 1.572e-04) 
Topic 1: manika, round, singles, women's, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, men's 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, indian, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, indian, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, india, women's 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, stories, like, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: medal, bajrang, bronze, wrestler, punia 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, first, indian 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, india, medal, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, chanu, chief, house 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, sports 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, won 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, chopra 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, opposition 
 Topic 28: world, like, match, sindhu, olympics 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, team, ist, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, india, proud, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, hockey 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, tokyo, olympics, pistol 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestler 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, medal, singh, olympics 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, olympics 
 Topic 46: india, indian, chanu, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, media 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 11 (approx. per word bound = -6.807, relative change = 1.167e-04) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 12 (approx. per word bound = -6.807, relative change = 8.574e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 13 (approx. per word bound = -6.806, relative change = 7.697e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 14 (approx. per word bound = -6.806, relative change = 9.178e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 15 (approx. per word bound = -6.805, relative change = 9.755e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, round, singles, women's, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: men's, team, round, indian, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, odisha, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, india, women's 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, stories, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, wrestler, punia, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, first, goal 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chief, chanu 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, won 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, chopra 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, match, olympics 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, team, ist, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, india, proud, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, hockey 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, olympics, tokyo, pistol 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestler 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, medal, singh, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, olympics 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 16 (approx. per word bound = -6.805, relative change = 6.267e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 17 (approx. per word bound = -6.804, relative change = 4.915e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 18 (approx. per word bound = -6.804, relative change = 4.120e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 19 (approx. per word bound = -6.804, relative change = 4.297e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 20 (approx. per word bound = -6.803, relative change = 2.711e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, round, singles, women's, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: team, men's, indian, round, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, odisha, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, india, women's 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, watch, stories, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, punia, wrestler, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, first, goal 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chief, chanu 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, won 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, medal 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, bronze 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, match, olympics 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, team, ist, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, proud, india, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, indian 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, olympics, pistol, tokyo 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestler 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, singh, medal, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, chand 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 21 (approx. per word bound = -6.803, relative change = 4.112e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 22 (approx. per word bound = -6.803, relative change = 4.237e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 23 (approx. per word bound = -6.803, relative change = 3.024e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 24 (approx. per word bound = -6.803, relative change = 2.649e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 25 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 2.659e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, round, singles, women's, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: team, men's, indian, round, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, odisha, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, india, women's 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, stories, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, punia, wrestler, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chanu, chief 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, won 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, medal 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, win 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, match, olympics 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, ist, team, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, proud, india, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, indian 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, pistol, olympics, shooters 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestler 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, singh, medal, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, chand 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 26 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 2.003e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 27 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 2.024e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 28 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 2.511e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 29 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 2.753e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 30 (approx. per word bound = -6.802, relative change = 1.487e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, round, singles, game, women's 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: team, indian, men's, round, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, women's, odisha, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, women's, india 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, stories, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, medals 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, punia, wrestler, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chief, chanu 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, olympics, tokyo, won 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, lakh 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, win 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, olympics, match 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, ist, team, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, proud, india, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, indian 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, pistol, olympics, shooters 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestler 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, singh, medal, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, chand 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 31 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 1.664e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 32 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 2.718e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 33 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 1.941e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 34 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 1.797e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 35 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 2.484e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, singles, round, tennis, game 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, match, medal 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: team, indian, round, men's, das 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, odisha, women's, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, women's, india 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, stories, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, punia, wrestler, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chief, chanu 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, tokyo, won, olympics 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, lakh 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, win 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, olympics, match 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, ist, team, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, proud, india, olympics 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, indian 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, pistol, olympics, shooters 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestling 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, singh, medal, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, chand 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 36 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 2.698e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 37 (approx. per word bound = -6.801, relative change = 2.874e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 38 (approx. per word bound = -6.800, relative change = 2.804e-05) 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 39 (approx. per word bound = -6.800, relative change = 1.819e-05) 
Completed E-Step (1 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Completing Iteration 40 (approx. per word bound = -6.800, relative change = 1.651e-05) 
Topic 1: manika, singles, round, tennis, table 
 Topic 2: throw, neeraj, gold, javelin, chopra 
 Topic 3: medal, tokyo, chanu, one, india's 
 Topic 4: neeraj, gold, chopra, medal, olympics 
 Topic 5: hockey, india, team, medal, match 
 Topic 6: women, olympics, india, men, first 
 Topic 7: team, round, indian, das, men's 
 Topic 8: hockey, team, odisha, women's, players 
 Topic 9: sindhu, medal, bronze, olympics, indian 
 Topic 10: hockey, match, team, women's, india 
 Topic 11: lovlina, borgohain, medal, boxing, boxer 
 Topic 12: olympics, like, stories, watch, book 
 Topic 13: sharma, olympic, back, made, medal 
 Topic 14: osaka, world, first, gold, tokyo 
 Topic 15: olympics, medal, tokyo, olympic, games 
 Topic 16: sports, hockey, world, city, indian 
 Topic 17: dhyan, chand, award, ratna, khel 
 Topic 18: bajrang, medal, punia, wrestler, bronze 
 Topic 19: india, penalty, team, goal, first 
 Topic 20: singh, hockey, medal, india, team 
 Topic 21: minister, government, house, chief, chanu 
 Topic 22: chopra, army, neeraj, olympics, gold 
 Topic 23: team, hockey, indian, india, women's 
 Topic 24: gold, medal, tokyo, won, olympics 
 Topic 25: rs, cash, crore, announced, lakh 
 Topic 26: sindhu, pv, medal, olympics, win 
 Topic 27: mental, bjp, takes, body, congress 
 Topic 28: world, sindhu, like, olympics, time 
 Topic 29: men's, women's, ist, team, air 
 Topic 30: medal, congratulations, proud, india, indian 
 Topic 31: team, hockey, family, vandana, caste 
 Topic 32: sports, games, athletes, olympic, world 
 Topic 33: team, india, sreejesh, medal, indian 
 Topic 34: proud, biles, film, abhimanyu, right 
 Topic 35: medal, first, games, olympics, chanu 
 Topic 36: brands, brand, pizza, chanu, domino's 
 Topic 37: athletes, olympics, games, sports, tokyo 
 Topic 38: coach, world, pistol, shooters, olympics 
 Topic 39: dahiya, village, medal, gold, world 
 Topic 40: dahiya, kumar, medal, olympic, wrestling 
 Topic 41: olympics, tokyo, ceremony, games, athletes 
 Topic 42: hockey, team, singh, medal, players 
 Topic 43: sindhu, world, indian, game, tai 
 Topic 44: hockey, team, family, coach, game 
 Topic 45: world, athletes, like, olympic, chand 
 Topic 46: india, chanu, indian, medal, olympics 
 Topic 47: gold, medal, olympics, olympic, people 
 Topic 48: mirabai, medal, chanu, silver, olympics 
 Topic 49: aditi, ashok, round, golf, medal 
 Topic 50: indian, students, tokyo, olympics, singh 
Completed E-Step (0 seconds). 
Completed M-Step. 
Model Converged 

Fitting the Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model for 25 topics

At first I plotted the top 10 words for each topic, however I thought that having the top 20 words would give a better idea of the content covered. ## 25 topics Many of the topics (2,5,8,12,18,20) focus on hockey. However, different aspects pertaining to the game are discussed.
Topic 2 discusses the Prime Minister honouring the hockey players with the highest sports award of India- the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna.
Topic 5 is a little unclear as it has information about marketing but also mentions the police.
Topic 8 covers the details of the hockey games and mentions the other countries that took part in the semifinal and final mens’ matches.
Topic 12 can be considered as the reaction of the public to the game and content of tweets regarding the same.
Topic 18 has a mix of the hockey team’s achievements and PV Sindhu’s (badminton player) achievement Topic 20 discusses how the government of the state of Odisha reacted to the win and stated it would continue to sponsor the women’s and men’s hockey teams.

All of the players mentioned in the topic models were either winners or in the final rounds of their respective sports. They also contained information regarding tweets and prominent celebrities that congratulated them. There was no noticeable difference in the top terms used for male sports players and female sports players.However, one difference that can be observed is that although both the mens’ and womens’ Indian hockey teams played well, majority of the topics were regarding the mens’ achievements (2,8,12 and 18). Perhaps, because they placed third whereas the womens’ team placed fourth.
Similar to hockey, the sports of javelin throw, wrestling and weightlifting were mentioned in several topics. For the gold medallist Neeraj Chopra, there was also a topic which pertained to his army background. Finally, many of the topics about the winners mention cash prizes from sources such as the government and the term ‘rs’ which stands for rupees which is the Indian currency.
The topic that was popular outside the Indian context (topics 1 and 15), regarding the gymnast Simon Biles and the importance of mental health as she had withdrawn from the Olympics due to mental health concerns.

news_lda25 <- LDA(news_dtm, k = 25, control = list(seed = 2345))
A LDA_VEM topic model with 25 topics.
#extracting per-topic-per-word probabilities
news_topics25 <- tidy(news_lda25, matrix = "beta")
# A tibble: 559,125 × 3
   topic term          beta
   <int> <chr>        <dbl>
 1     1 solitary 3.47e- 25
 2     2 solitary 5.65e-233
 3     3 solitary 4.77e-232
 4     4 solitary 4.00e-231
 5     5 solitary 9.70e-232
 6     6 solitary 2.56e-231
 7     7 solitary 2.56e-233
 8     8 solitary 2.46e-231
 9     9 solitary 2.52e-  4
10    10 solitary 8.94e- 34
# … with 559,115 more rows
#Finding the top 10 terms
news_top_10_25 <- news_topics25 %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 10) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

  mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +

#Finding top 20 terms
news_top_20_25 <- news_topics25 %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 20) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

  mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +

Since many of the topic models had their top terms as “olympics” or “India”, I wanted to check whether removing these terms would offer a deeper insight into the topics.

#removing some of the common words and then seeing how the topic model looks
articles_dfm_common_rem <- dfm_remove(articles_dfm, c("olympics","olympic","india","indian","tokyo","sports","#tokyo2020","2020","2021","india's"), verbose = TRUE)
removed 10 features
# A tibble: 195,993 × 3
   document term     count
   <chr>    <chr>    <dbl>
 1 text1    solitary     1
 2 text214  solitary     1
 3 text245  solitary     1
 4 text629  solitary     1
 5 text639  solitary     1
 6 text797  solitary     1
 7 text1099 solitary     1
 8 text1    two-day      1
 9 text311  two-day      1
10 text368  two-day      1
# … with 195,983 more rows
news_dtm2<- articles_tidy2 %>%
  cast_dtm(document, term, count)
<<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 1157, terms: 22355)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 195993/25668742
Sparsity           : 99%
Maximal term length: 84
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

Topic Models with some common words removed

Most of the topics regarding the prominent sports players remained the same.
This model did make it more clear as to why the word police occured in one of the topics that was about hockey. Topic 15 in the model includes words such as casteist, women’s and hockey which refers to the incident where casteist remarks about women hockey players were made after the women’s team had lost a semifinal.
Moreover, Topic 24 has information that is not related to the Olympics at all, which may indicate that some of the news articles in the dataframe could have had multiple headlines being discussed and gotten mixed up with the Olympics news.

news_lda25_remove <- LDA(news_dtm2, k = 25, control = list(seed = 2345))
A LDA_VEM topic model with 25 topics.
#extracting per-topic-per-word probabilities
news_topics25_remove <- tidy(news_lda25_remove, matrix = "beta")
# A tibble: 558,875 × 3
   topic term         beta
   <int> <chr>       <dbl>
 1     1 solitary 8.63e- 5
 2     2 solitary 2.06e- 4
 3     3 solitary 6.96e-74
 4     4 solitary 6.74e- 5
 5     5 solitary 3.72e-74
 6     6 solitary 9.11e-74
 7     7 solitary 4.09e-74
 8     8 solitary 4.43e-74
 9     9 solitary 7.81e-74
10    10 solitary 3.93e-74
# … with 558,865 more rows
#Finding the top 20 terms
news_top_20_25_remove <- news_topics25_remove %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 20) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

  mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +

Greatest difference between 2 topics

In this LDA model, for the topics regarding hockey, the different aspects covered in each are observable. However, for the topics about Neeraj Chopra in the javelin throw event- topics 11 and 25, it is not clear as to the difference in the 2 topics. Hence, I wanted to check for the words which have the greatest difference between the 2 topics. I kept the beta value greater than 1/5000.
In topic 11, the common words seem to be more general such as the act of winning and being in the finals, whereas in topic 25, the common words are more specific to Neeraj Chopra and how his winning was a historical moment in Indian sports.

#Different Neeraj Chopra topics
beta_11_25<- news_topics25_remove %>%
  mutate(topic = paste0("topic", topic))%>%
  pivot_wider(names_from =topic, values_from = beta)%>% 
  filter(topic11 > .005| topic25 > .005) %>%
  mutate(log_ratio = log2(topic25/ topic11))

[1] 2.164677
[1] -1.883413
testt <- ggplot(beta_11_25, aes(x = `term`, y = `log_ratio`, width = .5)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +

Warning: package 'plotly' was built under R version 4.2.2

Attaching package: 'plotly'
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':


In the next post, I plan to implement structural topic models.